Tips |
Good tip for fry
When you deep-fry, hold each piece of food with long tongs as you add it to the oil. Hold it just below the oils surface for five seconds before releasing it. This will seal the exterior and stop it from sticking to the pot or the other food. |
Remove junk food from your house. Keep healthy snacks on hand. |
Let them help you with jobs in the kitchen such as mixing ingredients, turning on the blender etc. Be sure to thank them for their help. |
Help your kids make the right food and drink, they will be more excited about what they eat. |
Get your kids involved in shopping decisions. It will help them understand the value of eating healthy. |
Let them smell, touch, taste and ask questions about fruits, veggies, yogurts and other healthy foods in the kitchen. Ask them what they think of the foods and let them know their opinions count. |
When buying artichokes, look for plump, globular ones that are heavy in relation to size. They should be compact, with thick, green, fresh looking scales. Size is not an indication of quality. Avoid artichokes with large brown areas on the scales - a sign of age.
Artichokes remain fairly constant in appearance for weeks. For maximum taste and tenderness, cook as soon as possible. Do not stock up on artichokes. Refrigerate unwashed, in a plastic bag, for up to 1 week. |
When buying asparagus, look for closed, compact tips, smooth, round spears and a fresh appearance. Most of the spear should be a rich green color, and should be tender as far down as the green color extends.
Avoid Tips that are open and spread out, moldy or decayed. When selecting asparagus, allow approximately 1/2 pound per serving.
Refrigerate asparagus standing upright in a container or water. This keeps the spears fresh and crisp. |
Selecting avocados: look for firm avocados if youre planning on using them later in the week, otherwise, select fruit that yields to gentle pressure for immediate use. Color alone will not tell you if the avocado is ripe. Ripe fruit will be slightly firm, but will yield to gentle pressure.
To speed the ripening process, place the avocado in a paper bag, and store at room temperature until ready to eat. Placing an apple together with the avocado speeds up the process even more. |
Eggplants are perishable, so use them within 2 or 3 days of purchase. When buying eggplant, choose fruit that have a nice glossy shine, and avoid ones with dull color - these will be overipe and bitter. Eggplant is a good source of Vitamins A, C, B complex and potassium.
Selecting eggplants: Look for a symmetrical eggplant with smooth, uniformly colored skin. Tan patches, scars, or bruises indicate decay. Also avoid eggplants with wrinkled or flabby-looking skin. |