

Dear friends of Yanuq.com:

As you well know, Yanuq.com is a labour of love created by three entrepreneur women that came together over 14 years ago with the goal of raising awareness of Peruvian cuisine worldwide. We are proud to maintain our place as the first Peruvian website specialized in gastronomy aimed at those who enjoy food, enjoy cooking and are interested in learning more about the latest trends in Peruvian and international cuisine.

We are also proud of the accuracy of our recipes, our free and open content and our personalized customer service, which has allowed us to have very loyal users that visit us frequently and feel part of our community. 

But this process of investigating and keeping our content current demands us much time and resources every month. So, in order to keep Yanuq alive, updated and interesting — which is important to us and, we hope, to you — we have created Yanuq’s Community of Friends, a system through which all of you, our loyal followers who want to contribute to Yanuq, can do so through your generous support and donations.

So, if you feel that Yanuq makes your life easier and more enjoyable and you wish for it to continue to be accessible, we invite you to contribute to its operation. It may be the equivalent of a cup of coffee, a few drinks with friends or a fancy dinner out. When it comes from the heart, it’s the kind of gesture that will be greatly appreciated. 

There are two options:
You can become a Friend of Yanuq´s with an automatic monthly donation of your choosing:

Community of friends

(If you don’t have a PayPal account, no need to sign up for one –
you can just use any credit or debit card.) …OR,

you can be a one-time Patron with a single contribution of your choosing: