Ingredients :
    4 trouts, (10 ˝ oz (300 g) each one, cleaned, rinsed and cut in fillets
    Juice of 3 key limes
    Flour, necessary amount to flour trouts
    Vegetable oil, necessary amount to fry trout fillets and onions
    4 red onions, peeled and cut in thick julienne
    6 garlic cloves, finely chopped
    1 ˝ tablespoon sundried red ají paste (chili)
    4 fresh yellow ají (chili), seeded and deveined
    Fresh oregano leaves
    Bay leaves
    1 tablespoon brown sugar
    ľ cup red wine vinegar
    ľ cup brown stock
    3 hard boiled eggs, quartered
    5 oz (150 g) fresh white cheese cut in long strips
    1 lb 2 oz (500 g) potatoes, boiled, peeled and halved


Season trout fillets with salt, pepper and lime juice. Dredge in flour on both sides.

Heat oil in a skillet and fry fillets until cooked and golden. Remove from skillet and keep warm.

Heat oil in a skillet and add onions, fresh yellow aji and cook until onion starts to brown. Add garlic, sun dried red aji paste, bay leaves and oregano. Cook stirring until tender.

Add sugar, vinegar and stock and bring to a boil. Cook until onions are crystal clear. Correct seasoning.

Place fish on a platter and cover with onion sauce. Garnish with fresh cheese, boiled egg and boiled potatoes.

How to fillet, skin and debone fish
        6 servings
        Typical dish from Huancayo in the Andes