Ingredients :
    9 eggs
    14 oz (400 g) ripe tomatoes, peeled, seeded and diced
    18 oz (500 g) fresh spinach leaves, rinsed and drained
    2 ½ oz (75 g) grated gruyere cheese
    2 garlic cloves, peeled
    8 tablespoons, heavy cream
    8 tablespoons, olive oil


Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a medium size saucepan. Add chopped tomato, thyme, cloves and a pinch of salt. Allow to cook until liquid has evaporated completely. Remove from heat and cool.

Heat 3 tablespoons olive oil in another saucepan. Add spinach leaves, garlic cloves and salt.

Cook, stirring occasionally, until liquid has evaporated completely. Remove garlic cloves and cool.

Break 3 eggs en each of three separate bowls.

Add spinach, 3 tablespoons heavy cream, nutmeg, salt and pepper to first bowl with eggs. Mix thoroughly.

Add tomatoes, 2 tablespoons heavy cream, salt and pepper to the second bowl with the eggs. Mix well.

Add grated cheese, 3 tablespoons heavy cream, salt and pepper to the third bowl. Mix well.

Lightly oil a rectangular or round pan. Pour tomato mixture. Bake over hot water, in preheated oven at 350°F (180°C) for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and pour cheese mixture. Return to oven for 15 minutes more. Finally add spinach mixture and pour over cheese mixture and bake 20 minutes more.

Remove from oven and let terrine rest in a warm place for 10 to 15 minutes before inverting it to a dish.

Serve hot in slices.

It can also be served cold as a first course with cold sauce prepared with mayonnaise, heavy cream and chives.
        6 servings