Ingredients :
    4 medium size leeks, white part sliced thinly
    7 oz (200 g) light cream cheese
    5 egg whites
    2 onions, finely chopped
    1 tablespoon vegetable oil
    Parsley, for decoration

    1 medium size carrot, shredded
    1 cup chicken bouillon
    Drops of lemon juice
    1 cup skimmed milk
    2 tablespoons cornstarch
    1 teaspoon light butter or margarine


Heat oil in a medium size skillet or pan. Sauté onion until lightly golden. Add leek and cook for 5 more minutes, stirring frequently.

Process leek and onion preparation until a thick cream is obtained. Transfer preparation to a bowl. Season. Stir in cheese. Add 2 egg whites slightly beaten. Whip remaining egg whites until firm and fold into preparation.

Brush little oil in ramekins and fill with leek preparation.

Bake in preheated oven, 350 °F (180 °C), over hot water, for 45 minutes or until set.Cool, unmold and serve with carrot sauce.

Prepare a thick, light béchamel sauce. Place 1 cup cold milk in a medium size pan. Add cornstarch and stir constantly until sauce thickens. Remove from heat and add butter.

Cook carrot in chicken bouillon and bring to a boil. Reduce liquid to half. Season.

Process cooked carrot with béchamel sauce and add a few drops of lemon juice. Season.

Pour over leek puddings.

Decorate with parsley leaves.
        4 servings
        250 calories