Ingredients :
    2 lb 4 oz (1 kilo) carrots, cooked and peeled
    3 tablespoons light cream cheese
    ¾ cup shredded onion
    2 -3 tablespoons non fat chicken stock
    2 tablespoons grated cheese
    3 egg whites, beaten until thick
    ½ cup oats

    Broccoli Sauce:
    1 medium size onion, peeled and finely chopped
    1 teaspoon light vegetable oil
    2 tablespoons non fat chicken stock
    1 cup cooked broccoli, drained and chopped
    5 oz (150 g) light cream cheese
    ¼ cup skimmed milk


Cook onion in water until tender. Drain onion and combine with chicken stock.Process carrots with cream cheese to form a paste. Add onion with stock and grated cheese. Transfer mixture to a bowl and fold in whipped egg whites and oats.

Pour mixture into a lightly greased tube pan and bake in oven 350°F (180°C) for 40 minutes or until pudding sets.Remove from oven, cool slightly and invert on platter.Serve with broccoli Sauce.

Broccoli Sauce:
Sauté onion in vegetable oil. Add chicken stock and continue cooking until onion is tender. Add broccoli, cream cheese and milk. Cook for a few minutes and blend mixture. Correct seasoning.Serve hot over carrot pudding.
        6 servings