ANTICUCHOS DE PESCADO / Grilled Fish Meat on Skewers   
  Ingredients :
    1 tablespoon ají amarillo fresco / fresh yellow aji (chili)
    ½ teaspoons salt
    1 tablespoon vegetable oil
    Ground pepper
    1 lb (½ k) of clean fish
    6 cloves crushed garlic
    1 tablespoon paprika
    1 tablespoon salt
    ¼ cup vinegar
    Juice of one lime
    ½ cup vegetable oil
    ½ teaspoons pepper
    ¼ teaspoons cumin seed
    3 cooked potatoes
    2 ears of corn cut in slices
    5 leaves of lettuce

Place crushed aji amarillo, salt, oil and ground pepper in skillet. Fry for 5 minutes. Serve.


For this recipe a white firm fish is necessary. Too delicate fish might fall apart because of the continuous turning that anticuchos require. To solve this, place aluminum foil over the grill.

Cut fish in squares (1.5 inches or 3 cm)

Combine remaining ingredients. Marinate fish in this sauce. Let stand for ½ an hour.

Place 3 cubes of marinated fish on each skewer. Cook them on hot grill, turning them over, sprinkling with oil until done.

When cooked, serve on a platter and decorate with the potatoes cut in halves, lettuce and corn. Pour sauce over fish.

How to fillet, skin and debone fish
        5 servings