Ingredients :
    4 lb 8 oz (2 k) white fish fillet (sole, sea bass)
    12 scallops
    2 cups heavy cream
    ¾ cup fresh bread crumbs
    ¼ cup basil leaves, finely chopped
    ½ cup parsley, finely chopped
    4 egg whites
    15 whole spinach leaves, blanched

    Parsley and Basil Sauce:
    2 egg yolks
    1 tablespoon mustard
    Oil (necessary to prepare mayonnaise)
    ¼ cup parsley, finely chopped
    ¼ cup basil, finely chopped.

Blend ¾ of fish together with the scallops. Transfer to bowl and combine with heavy cream, bread crumbs, parsley, basil, egg whites, salt and pepper.

Butter a terrine mold or loaf cake pan 12 x 5 x 4 inches (24 x 10 x 8 cm). Line bottom of pan with buttered parchment paper to unmold easily. Pour half of fish mixture into pan.

Blanch spinach leaves and spread them on a work surface overlappin them slightly. Center fish fillets on top and season with salt and pepper. Roll spinach with fish to make 1 or 2 rolls (approximately the length of mold).

Place roll on pan lengthwise and cover with rest of fish mixture.

Cover pan with aluminum foil and cook in oven 350° F (175° C), over hot water bath for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and cool.

Unmold when terrine is cold and serve at room temperature.

Parsley and Basil Sauce:
Prepare a mayonnaise with egg yolks, oil, mustard, salt and pepper.

Remove from blender and combine with heavy cream, parsley and basil. Correct seasoning.

Serve terrine with this sauce.

How to fillet, skin and debone fish
        8 servings