ARROZ CON LECHE / Rice Pudding   
  Ingredients :
    ½ cup rice
    3 cups water
    2 cans condensed milk
    1 can evaporated milk
    ¼ cup port wine
    1 stick cinnamon
    Powdered cinnamon
    ½ orange (rind)


Wash rice. Boil in water for 15 minutes, with the orange rind and the stick of cinnamon until well cooked. Remove stick of cinnamon and orange rind.

Add both cans of milk. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon for 5 minutes.

Add port wine and cook 3 minutes more. Let rice cool for 10 minutes.

Pour into a dessert dish and sprinkle with powdered cinnamon.
        8 servings