Ingredients :
    1 lb 2 oz (500 g) carrots, peeled and thinly sliced
    1¾ oz (50 g) butter
    Cilantro, finely chopped


Melt butter in a large skillet over low fire. Add carrots.

Season carrots with salt, pepper, nutmeg and cilantro.Cover skillet with a round of parchment paper and place lid on top to prevent evaporation.

Cook carrots until very soft and tender, approximately 20 minutes. Remove lid and paper, raise heat and continue cooking to reduce liquid.

Remove from fire and cool to lukewarm. Place in food processor or use a potato masher to pureé carrots.

Heat purée before serving and correct seasoning. Serve in a serving bowl and sprinkle chopped cilantro over carrot.
        4 – 6 servings