Ingredients :
    2 cups rice (arborio, if posible)
    1 medium size white onion, finely chopped
    ½ cup dry white wine
    6 cups, approximately, well seasoned beef or chicken stock
    6 tablespoons butter
    ¾ - 1 cup grated parmesan cheese
    ¼ - ½ saffron threads


Soak saffron in ¼ cup warm stock. Reserve.Heat stock in a medium size pan, and keep it hot, not boiling while preparing the risotto.Melt 5 tablespoons butter in a large heavy bottom pan. Add onion and cook, stirring, until translucent. Raise heat and add rice. Cook rice, stirring, until rice is coated with butter, approximately 3 – 4 minutes. Lower heat and add warm wine. Let wine evaporate for 1 minute an add 1 cup stock. Stir rice slowly until liquid is absorbed. Repeat adding stock and stirring until absorbed. Continue this way until rice is just cooked or al dente (approximately 18 minutes). Season to taste.

Add stock with saffron and stir for 1 minute. Remove from heat and add remaining butter and parmesan cheese. Stir and cover pan 1 minute.Serve immediately. Serve more parmesan cheese in a small bowl.
        6 servings