Ingredients :
    8 artichokes
    1 large onion finely chopped
    2 garlic cloves finely minced
    1 ½ tablespoons butter
    1 teaspoon tarragon
    1 teaspoon thyme
    2 tablespoons vegetable oil
    2/3 cup grated parmesan cheese
    Chopped parsley
    1 ½ cup cream
    2 cups rice
    3 cups artichokes cooking liquid
    2 ½ cup beer
    ¼ cup soft butter (to add to risotto)


Place artichokes in a large pan and cover with water. Cook until soft and tender.

Remove artichokes from water once cooked, and reserve liquid.

Remove food from artichoke leaves and cut hearts in small pieces. Set aside.

Melt butter in a medium size pan and add 1 tablespoon oil. Add onion and half of garlic.

Cook until tender but not golden. Add tarragon and thyme, stirring. Add artichokes, cream and parmesan cheese. Combine well, season and add parsley. Set aside.

Heat rest of oil with garlic in a large pan. Add rice and stir for 1 minute. Pour 1 cup of hot cooking liquid while stirring. Wait until liquid is absorbed and add ½ cup hot beer, and continue stirring until absorbed. Repeat this procedure until rice is just tender. Process with take around 18 to 20 minutes. When rice is ready, add artichoke mixture and combine. If necessary add more liquid (if more cooking liquid is available use hot water or bouillon) until the desired consistency is obtained. Add butter and combine. Correct seasoning.

Serve very hot.
        8 – 10 servings