Ingredients :
    ½ onion, finely chopped
    1 ¾ cup undiluted evaporated milk
    4 eggs
    1 can (6 oz /170 g) tuna in oil
    1 tablespoon chopped parsley
    2 tablespoons red pepper, seeded and deveined, chopped


Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C).

Place onion, milk, eggs and canned tuna with oil in the blender. Blend until thoroughly mixed. Add parsley and pepper and pulse to mix. Season with salt and pepper.

Transfer to a previously greased serving mold and cook in the oven, over hot water for 40 minutes, approximately, until it sets.
It can be served warm or at room temperature. If it is served at room temperature, invert onto a serving dish and decorate with a Red pepper purée or mayonnaise and lettuce salad.

Other recipes with canned tuna:
Tuna mold with carrots
Tuna roll with egg avocado and corn salad
Tuna fish potato loaf
        4 servings