Ingredients :
    2.4 lb (1 k) fresh trout fillet, cleaned and trimmed, cut in small cubes
    Juice of 12 limes
    5 garlic cloves, blended
    2 onions, cut into thin julienne
    1 tablespoon fresh yellow aji, blended or pureed
    1 rocoto (red hot chili), sliced, for decoration
    Chopped parsley
    Chopped cilantro
    Cooked kernels


Place trout pieces on a serving dish. Add garlic, pepper and blended aji and mix.
Pour lime juice over trout and season with salt. Cover with onion, parsley and chopped cilantro. Sprinkle salt over onions and pour more lemon juice.
Garnish with sliced rocoto (red hot aji) Serve on lettuce leaves and garnish with sliced tomato and cooked kernels.

How to fillet, skin and debone fish
        8 servings