Ingredients :
    2 whole chicken breasts, cut in thin medium size pieces
    Juice of 8 – 10 limes
    1 onion, cut into thin julienne
    1 tablespoon of fresh yellow aji paste or puree
    2 garlic cloves, minced
    2 cooked sweet potatoes, cut into thick slices
    1 aji limo (red hot aji), seeded and deveined, cut into thin julienne
    1 fresh yellow aji, seeded and deveined, cut into thin julienne
    Cooked corn kernels
    Chopped parsley leaves, for decoration


Place chicken breast pieces in a bowl and season with salt, fresh yellow aji paste, pepper and cumin. Mix and marinate for approximately 20 minutes. Add minced garlic and lemon juice. Mix and marinade for 20 minutes more.
Place on a serving dish and top with onions and chopped aji limo. Serve with cooked corn kernels and sweet potato slices. Garnish with chopped parsley.
        4 servings