Ingredients :
    4 cups fresh wheat bread crumbs, processed
    3 eggs
    12 oz (350 g) medium portobellos cut in thick slices
    3 cups vegetable oil, approximately


Combine bread crumbs with salt and pepper in a bowl. Spread crumbs on a large plate.

Whip eggs lightly in a bowl and dip 3 to 4 slices of Portobello at a time in the egg. Remove portobellos, drain excess egg and transfer them to bread crumbs, pressing so crumbs adhere to the mushrooms. Transfer mushrooms to a cookie sheet or tray.

Heat oil in a medium size deep skillet or saucepan until hot. Fry portobellos in batches (7 or 8 each time) turning occasionally, until they are browned. Make sure the oil is hot when starting the next batch. Remove portobellos with a slotted spoon as soon as they are ready and transfer them to paper towel to eliminate excess fat.
Season with salt and serve immediately with lemon wedges.
        6 servings