Ingredients :
    2 lb (1 k) asparagus, trimmed
    2 tablespoons olive oil
    2 tablespoon unsalted butter, diced
    ½ cup white onion, chopped
    4 slices of white bread, cut into small pieces
    ¼ cup toasted pine nuts, or nuts
    Fresh black pepper
    1 cup grated parmesan cheese
    4 oz (115 g) cream cheese


Cook asparagus in boiling salted water, uncovered, until crisp tender. Drain in a colander and transfer to a baking dish. Cover with foil tightly to keep warm.
Heat oil and butter in a skillet over high heat until foam subsides.
Add onion and cook until lightly browned. Stir in bread pieces, pine nuts and continue stirring for approximately 5 minutes. Transfer mixture to a bowl and add ½ cup grated parmesan cheese. Season with salt and pepper and mix.
Combine warm asparagus with cream cheese and the remaining parmesan cheese. Season to taste.
Sprinkle crumb mixture evenly over asparagus and broil in preheated oven until surface is golden brown.
        6 servings